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Paul Glover

Candidate for Governor

Paul Glover graduated from Summit University in 1882 with a bachelors in City Management with a specialization in Metropolitan Appropriate Technology and Long Range Planning. He has worked many odd jobs throughout his life including a masseur, teacher, cartoonist, farmworker, Sexton, factory worker, and gardener among others. Most recently he has been a professor of Geographic and Urban Studies as well as Ecological Economics.

Throughout his many careers, he has been involved in many community events. Among these, he started the Ithaca Community News which provided news to his local community. He also started POP, Philadelphia Orchard Project, which plants trees in vacant lots creating green spaces. One of his most significant projects is Green Jobs Philly. This is a network that helps Philadelphians find green jobs and opportunities to volunteer in the community.

In 2004 his hard work was recognized by the Green Party when he was nominated to run for President in 2004 after being nominated for Mayor of Ithaca, NY in 2003. This is also his second time running for Governor as he ran in 2014. Paul Glover cares deeply about the environment and feels that it is the government's job to provide social welfare for the people

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John Hendell 

John Hendell is a junior at Central York High School. He has excelled in his school work and volunteers in the community extensivly. He volunteers at county parks mainaining trails and providing summer programs for children. In his schoolwork, he strives to achieve excellence in all of his studies.


Neal Gale

Candidate for Senate

Neal Gale graduated from Drexel University and got a bachelors in architect. Gale has worked for a number of different careers and has 38 years worth of experience in energy efficiency. Gale worked as the director for the Home Energy Survey Program, the chair of the Technical Subcommittee for the CAC Group, and even working humble beginnings in a washer/ laundry shop. He is a strong advocator of environmental improvements as he has worked in the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, New Jersey Clean Energy, Abington Township Energy Advisory Council, PennEnvironment, BucksMont Citizens Climate Lobby, and the EAC Network. He is a big family man with a daughter and wife. Overall, Neal Gale’s main goal is to improve the health, well-being, and prosperity of the country.  

Neal Gale’s campaign slogan is “One Family, Many Voices.” Gale wants voters to look at the election with an open mind and encourages the people of PA to go out and vote. He believes in the power of our democracy. Neal Gale also strongly believes in social justice and recognizes that there may be an economic injustice due to social justice. Gale is rooted in his belief that every American’s constitutional rights must be protected. Neal Gale’s environmental background influences his views on the issues.

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Sara Cabry 

Sara Cabry is currently working to represent Neal Gale in the upcoming election. She is a junior and spends her time being a part of a team for track. Sara Cabry works as a cashier at Panera and through this has learned the values of serving others and be dedicated to her profession.

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